is an established Occupational Health & Medical Center which is managed by A Group of Professionals with more than 20 years of experience and global network relationship in medical care. We provide an international standard level of occupational health, medical care and emergency assistance in Indonesia and Asia. Our team of medical professional and well trained staff, ensure a high quality expertise in a full range of health care services for individuals, families and corporations.
The difference is in their paradigm.its meaning ,purpose and essential mission
'if you are ill, come to us, we willcure you'. So ,this is people who are ill
if your life is in danger, call us, we will take you to the place where you will be saved. This is for people who are in emergency or dangerous life situations.
if you have employees, call us, we will help you to ensure you employees are in a healthy work condition an Fit To Work a safe and Healthy envitonment. This is for a Company, which has employees or people who works
The fundamental difference is in theIMI’s service paradigm. IMI’s Clients are companies that have employees who are mostly healthy people. IMI’s task is to help companies to keep employees always in the best health condition to work (Fit To Work Paradigm). This paradigm will affect the orientation, quality and type of services rendered which will be effective, efficient and tailored to the company’s needs.
We believe we can provide to the best of satisfaction to our clients, with a focus on occupational health required by regulations and the company’s need.
To develop and improve Corporate OHMS (Occupational Health Management System). Our OHExperts will conduct an onsite Diagnostic Assessment, and then help the Company to prepare or improve: SOPs and Guidelines, Work Plan, Programs and Evaluations.
OHMS implementations in the company include programs for employees and work environment. Programs for employees are Pre-Employment Medical Examination, routine health monitoring (Annual MCU), training, emergency handling and health disorders in the work place. Programs for work environment includes air and water quality, safety of working materials and equipment, support facilities and industrial hygiene.
Health monitoring system for employee based on occupational health needs with national and international standard. The system is called EHASS (Employee Health Assessment System and Standard). With EHASS, the Company is able to monitor the health of its employees effectively and efficiently.